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In order to cancel an item in your order: - Log into your Truefitt & Hill account and go to the 'My Orders' page.
- Identify the service you want to cancel and click on the corresponding 'View Details' link.
- In the detailed order page, you will see 'Cancel' links against each of the services in that order.
- Click on the 'Cancel' link, indicate the reason for cancellation, choose a mode of refund and confirm cancellation. - Once your cancellation request is created, we will ensure that the cancellation is processed as soon as possible.


Why do I see a disabled 'Cancel' link?

A disabled 'Cancel' link can mean the following things:
- You have availed the requested service.
- The item is non-refundable (e.g. e-Gift Vouchers).

In any of the above cases, you can get in touch with our Customer Support for more information


How long will it take to process my cancellation request?

Once you request the cancellation, it will take us a maximum of 2-3 business days to cancel the order and initiate a refund. You will be notified of the same by email.

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